The Percentage to Degree Calculator is a tool to convert the percentage value to equivalent degree value in pie chart. To convert a percentage to degrees of a circle, following formula is used.
Degrees = (Percentage / 100) * 360
- “Percentage” is the percentage value you want to convert to degrees.
- “Degrees” is the equivalent angle in degrees.
Degree to Percentage Calculator
Input Parameter | Unit | Value |
Percentage | % |
Output | Unit | Value |
Degrees | ° |
Here’s how it works:
- Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
- Multiply the decimal value by 360, which represents the total number of degrees in a circle.
For example, if you have a percentage of 25%, you can convert it to degrees as follows:
Degrees = (25 / 100) * 360 = 0.25 * 360 = 90 degrees
So, 25% is equivalent to 90 degrees of a circle.
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