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RTD Resistance to Temperature Calculator [PT100]

If you have to convert the measured value of Resistance of PT100 to temperature, the  RTD Resistance to Temperature Calculator will help you. The The PT100 RTD is used for the temperature monitoring in industries at large. The high accuracy of this temperature monitoring element makes it suitable for use in the windings of Motor and Generator.

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PT100 Temperature Calculator

Measured Resistance Temperature

In practical applications and industries, temperature measurement with a PT100 RTD (Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector) often involves using the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. This equation describes the relationship between the electrical resistance of the PT100 RTD and the temperature it is exposed to.

The Callendar-Van Dusen equation for a PT100 RTD is as follows:

\Delta = \Delta_0 \left[1 + A(\theta – \theta_0) + B(\theta – \theta_0)^2\right]


  • \( \Delta \) is the resistance of the PT100 RTD at temperature \( \theta \).
  • \( \Delta_0 \) is the nominal resistance of the PT100 at 0 degrees Celsius (usually 100 ohms for a PT100).
  • \( \theta \) is the temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • \( \theta_0 \) is the reference temperature, which is typically 0 degrees Celsius.
  • \( A \) and \( B \) are coefficients that depend on the specific PT100 sensor and its construction.

These coefficients \( A \) and \( B \) are determined during the calibration or manufacturing of the PT100 sensor. They are specific to each sensor and are used to describe the sensor’s resistance-temperature relationship.

To measure temperature using this equation in practical applications, you need to know the values of \( \Delta_0 \), \( A \), and \( B \) for your particular PT100 sensor. With these values, you can measure the resistance (\( \Delta \)) of the PT100 at a given temperature (\( \theta \)) and use the equation to calculate the temperature.

RTD Resistance to Temperature Calculator

In industrial applications, specialized temperature measurement equipment is often used to measure the resistance of the PT100 and then convert it to temperature using the Callendar-Van Dusen equation. These instruments are designed to provide accurate and precise temperature measurements in various industrial processes, such as HVAC systems, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and scientific research. For practical use, Just subtract 100 from the measured value of the Resistance and multiply it by 2.58, you will get the temperature.

It’s important to note that PT100 sensors are highly accurate and stable, making them suitable for applications where precise temperature measurements are crucial. However, calibration and accurate knowledge of the PT100’s coefficients are essential to achieve accurate temperature measurements.

Thanks for reading post RTD Resistance to Temperature Calculator.

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