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Power Factor Calculator [Three Phase System]

The Power Factor Calculator is a tool to calculate the Power Factor (PF) of a three phase system.  In a three-phase system,  the power factor (PF) is calculated using the input parameters like line voltage (V), line current (I), and power in kilowatts (KW).

Power Factor Calculator

Power Factor Calculator

Parameter Unit
Voltage (Line)
Current (Line)
Power (KW)
Power Factor 0.00
Phase Angle 0.00°
Sign Lagging

Power Factor (PF) = KW / (V * I * √3)


  • PF is the power factor (a dimensionless number between 0 and 1).
  • KW is the power in kilowatts (kW).
  • V is the line voltage (volts).
  • I is the line current (amperes).
  • √3 represents the square root of 3, which accounts for the three-phase nature of the system.

This formula calculates the power factor as the ratio of the real power (KW) to the product of the line voltage (V), line current (I), and the square root of 3 (√3) to account for the three-phase system’s inherent phase relationships. The power factor indicates how effectively electrical power is being converted into useful work in the three-phase system.

Power Factor Calculator

To determine whether the power factor is leading or lagging in a three-phase system, you need to compare the phase angle (φ) with the angle of the voltage waveform relative to the current waveform. Here’s how you can make that determination:

Calculate the Phase Angle (φ)

φ = arccos(PF)

    • If the calculated phase angle (φ) is positive (greater than 0°) when expressed in degrees, it means that the power factor is lagging. This indicates that the current waveform lags behind the voltage waveform in the system.
    • If the calculated phase angle (φ) is negative (less than 0°) when expressed in degrees, it means that the power factor is leading. This indicates that the current waveform leads the voltage waveform in the system.

Thanks for reading the post Power Factor Calculator.

Read: Decimal to Percent Calculator

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