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Pull Out Torque Calculator

The Pull Out Torque Calculator is a tool to calculate the Pull Out Torque (POT) of a three phase induction motor. The “Pull Out Torque” of a three-phase induction motor is the maximum torque that the motor can produce when the speed of the motor varies from 0 to synchronous speed.

Pull Out Torque
Torque Speed Curve of Three Phase Induction Motor

The pull-out torque is important because it represents the maximum load the motor can drive while still maintaining its speed. If the load exceeds this torque, the motor will slip more, potentially leading to instability, overheating, or stalling.

Net Force Calculator

Pull Out Torque Calculator

Machine Information
KW (Pr): KV Stator Winding Resistance (Ohm) Temperature (Degree C)
No Load Test Data
Voltage Applied Phase Current KW
Blocked Rotor Test Data
Voltage Appied Phase Current KW
Pull Out Torque Percentage

Designing or selecting a motor with an adequate pull-out torque is crucial for ensuring reliable operation under varying load conditions.

No Load Test of an Induction Motor

No Load Test is an indirect method used for determining the efficiency and also to determine the circuit parameters of the equivalent circuit of the three-phase induction motors.

In this method, the motor is uncoupled from its load and the rated voltage at the rated frequency is applied to the stator to run the motor without the load. With the help of the two watt-meters, the input power of the motor is measured.

What is the use of no load test of Motor?

The efficiency of large motors can be determined by directly loading them and by measuring their input and output powers. The power loss will be large with direct loading tests.

As the name suggest no load test is performed when rotor rotates with synchronous speed and there is no load torque.

This test gives the information regarding no-load losses such as core loss, friction loss and wind-age loss. Rotor copper loss at no load is very less that its value is negligible. Small current is required to produce adequate torque. This test is also well-known as running light test. This test is used to evaluate the resistance and impedance of the magnetizing path of induction motor.

Short Circuit Test of Three Phase Induction Motor

The Blocked Rotor Test of an induction motor is similar to the short circuit test of a transformer. In this test, the shaft of the motor is locked so that it cannot move and the rotor winding is short-circuited.

Further, a reduced voltage at the reduced frequency is applied to the stator through a three-phase autotransformer so that full-load rated current flows in the stator. The data of the test is also used to calculate the starting torque of the Three Phase Induction Motor.

Sample Result of  Pull Out Torque Calculator 

POT Sample
Sample calculation of POT

You may refer the above filled in data in case of any doubt. Thanks, I hope the calculator will help you to understand three phase induction motor further.

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