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Simple Harmonic Motion Calculator

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) Calculator

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) Calculator


Parameter Value
Amplitude (A) [Calculated Value] m
Frequency (f) [Calculated Value] Hz
Phase Angle (φ) [Calculated Value] degrees
Displacement (y) [Calculated Value] m
Velocity (v) [Calculated Value] m/s
Acceleration (a) [Calculated Value] m/s²

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a type of periodic motion that is a fundamental concept in physics and occurs when a restoring force proportional to the displacement from equilibrium acts on an object. SHM is a crucial concept in various fields of science and engineering, including mechanics, electromagnetism, and acoustics.

Let’s break down the key components and formulae associated with SHM:

  • Amplitude (A): The amplitude of SHM represents the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.
  • Frequency (f): Frequency is the number of oscillations (cycles) that occur in one second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz equals one cycle per second.
  • Phase Angle (φ): The phase angle represents the initial angle or phase of the oscillatory motion at a particular point in time. It is measured in degrees (°) or radians (rad).

The mathematical representation of SHM typically involves trigonometric functions, where the displacement (y) of an object undergoing SHM as a function of time (t) is given by the equation:

\[y(t) = A \sin(ωt + φ)\]


  • A is the amplitude,
  • ω is the angular frequency
  • t is time, and
  • φ is the phase angle.

The key parameters that can be derived from this equation include:

  • Angular Frequency (ω): Angular frequency is the rate of change of phase with respect to time.
  • Displacement (y): The displacement of the object at a particular time is given by the equation.
  • Velocity (v): Velocity represents the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. It can be calculated as \(v(t) = Aω \cos(ωt + φ)\).
  • Acceleration (a): Acceleration represents the rate of change of velocity with respect to time. It can be calculated as \(a(t) = -Aω^2 \sin(ωt + φ)\).

In summary, Simple Harmonic Motion is a type of periodic motion characterized by oscillations about an equilibrium position. It is defined by parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and phase angle, and its mathematical representation involves trigonometric functions. These functions describe the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of an object undergoing SHM as functions of time. SHM is a fundamental concept with wide-ranging applications in physics and engineering, from describing the motion of a pendulum to analyzing the behavior of mechanical and electrical systems.

Formulas for Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

Displacement (x):

\[x(t) = A \cos(ωt + φ)\]

– \(x(t)\) is the displacement from the equilibrium position at time ‘t’.

– \(A\) is the amplitude of the oscillation (maximum displacement).

– \(ω\) is the angular frequency (\(ω = 2πf\)), where ‘f’ is the frequency of oscillation.

– \(φ\) is the phase angle, representing the initial position of the object at \(t = 0\).

Velocity (v):

\[v(t) = -Aω \sin(ωt + φ)\]

– \(v(t)\) is the velocity at time ‘t’.

– \(A\) is the amplitude.

– \(ω\) is the angular frequency.

Acceleration (a):

\[a(t) = -Aω^2 \cos(ωt + φ)\]

– \(a(t)\) is the acceleration at time ‘t’.

– \(A\) is the amplitude.

– \(ω\) is the angular frequency.

Frequency (f) and Period (T):

\[f = \frac{1}{T}\]

– \(f\) is the frequency.

– \(T\) is the period.

Angular Frequency (ω):

\[ω = \frac{2π}{T}\]

– \(ω\) is the angular frequency.

– \(T\) is the period.


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